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News 10.06.05.


'New' Morigel is the place where Arman the Scribe frolicks together with the larper Håkon and other creative spirits. This is not an alternative to manifestos or indeed itself - rather something in addition. This is simply a collection of more or less useful and interesting texts and sundry other things related to larp. My hope is that anyone with any kind of interest in larp will find something here that may be either useful, interesting or both.

I would love to receive comments, tips, or any other form of feedback! In Armans words: Enjoy!


Preface version 3

The english pages of Morigel has received a brush-up and a slight reorganisation. The pages are still primarily geared at larp-theory, and contrary to the norwegian pages, the english Morigel-site is a home for my theoretical thoughts on larp, not so much a how-to or historical presentation. I will gradually embellish the historical aspect of these english pages, but translation is an arduous process that takes time, so bear with me!

Report errors! If you spot techincal or factual errors in Morigel (such as lost links), please report these to me, using the e-mail link to the left.

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